Thursday, April 1, 2010

Skinny Jeans

We all have them. I'm not talking about the new, trendy jeans that everyone seems to be wearing these days. I'm talking about every woman's "skinny jeans".....the jeans that you never throw away, even after you've outgrown them, in the hopes that one day, you'll fit back into them. I found my skinny jeans today.

I had just gotten out of my morning class, around 9:15 or so and I had to head to WalMart to pick up a few things for a project in my afternoon class. It hit me....all of a sudden.....I was hungry. How I went from fine to starving is beyond me. I guess I had been focused on class and that project that I didn't pay attention. But after I got done shopping, I had nothing on my mind but how hungry I was. I had eaten breakfast this morning, oatmeal, and I had drank an entire bottle of water. This was at 7:15 this morning. I know myself well enough to know that I should have brought a granola bar or something to snack on. I know that when I get hungry and have no backup, I make poor food choices.

So, what does anyone do when it's 9:45 in the morning and you're hungry, but not at home? That's right.....McDonald's's only the BEST breakfast in the world!!! Why is that the first thing to pop into my head? Why was my first thought not "go back into WalMart and buy an apple"??? I'll tell you why.....years of bad habits. Years of going to McDonald's instead of eating an apple. I must have looked like a schitzophrenic (unsure of how that's spelled). I was talking to myself, not outloud, but I know my lips were moving. I was arguing with side telling me that McDonald's was just a few minutes away and the hunger would be gone before I even got home. The other side of me was telling me how hard I worked on the elliptical yesterday....and did I want to negate all the work (and then some) with a sausage biscuit.

The answer......NO!!!! I ran to my car and pulled out of that parking lot and headed home before my mind had the opportunity to change. I was so proud of myself. Life is full of those little moments. Moments where we can decide to help our bodies or hurt them. It may seem like a small moment to some, but it was a very proud moment for me. I got home, ate a plum and waited a while to eat my lunch. For lunch, I had a Smart One's and another bottle of water. I got my SHAPE magazine and ripped out a few pictures, pictures of strong, healthy women exercising, that would inspire me to do the same. I taped a picture to my fridge and on my mirror in my bathroom to help remind me why I'm doing this. Then, I got my skinny jeans and hung them on my wall in the bedroom. This way, every morning when I wake up, I'll have a visual reminder of my goals.....and now that one day.......I'll be back in my "skinny jeans"!


  1. Touche Mandi, your determination is honestly inspiring

  2. I prefer to think of you screaming out loud at yourself in walmart parking lot.. then running, like you are running from yourself but you keep catching up. Only to jump in the car, lock the door behind you, look in the mirror and ahhhhahh.. there you are!! lol then you throw it into drive and SPEED home.. Sweet Victory as you sink your teeth into that PLUM!! Good Job Mandi Palmer, your just kicked your ASS... lol.. (that is what my head played out while reading your story) Your doing GREAT.. I think I will follow you on the skinny jeans and hang them up.
