Friday, July 2, 2010

My new workout goal: The pull-up

When I first started this new lifestyle change back in January, I was very hesitant to start lifting weights.  In my previous attempt to lose weight, I was at the gym 6 days a week, lifting weights and riding the bike.  It got me NOWHERE!!! However, I also didn't have my thyroid regulated with meds like I do now, but I blamed the weights.  When I would complain about not losing enough weight, people would say "muscle weighs more than must just be gaining more muscle".  While muscle does weigh more than fat, I was still upset and I knew that something was wrong.

After taking a hiatus from the gym, and going to my doctor and getting my thyroid regulated (which really was my main roadblock to weight loss), I realized that the other roadblock was the intensity of my cardio.  I was sitting on a stationary bike and my heart rate wasn't getting as high as it needed to be to really burn some calories.  So, we (my husband and I) started doing the elliptical and OMG....that sucker burns some calories, especially when you hit some heavy resistance.  But even after seeing results with the elliptical, I was still hesitant to try weight lifting again.  I didn't want to hit the same plateau that I had before and stop seeing good numbers on the scale. 

But, finally, after hearing about all the health benefits of weight lifting (lean muscle mass burns more calories at rest than fat, it'll make you stronger, etc) and after people telling me how much it benefits them, I decided to give it a try....again.  And guess what.....I am in LOVE with strength training! I don't know how I ever went to the gym and left without hitting the free weights these past few months.  It is so much fun and it feels amazing.  I don't remember it being this fun when I tried it before....maybe because my attitude is different.  And while the numbers on the scale have dwindled a little bit (about 1 lb a week loss instead of 2)...I am getting so much stronger.  My husband told me the other day at the gym (on the calf raise machine) that he can see definition in my legs now.  That's exactly why you to the hear that people can SEE a difference in how you look! 

My plan is to pump up the intensity of my cardio to give my body a boost and get back to a 2 lb per week weight loss....but I also plan on working on being able to do a pull-up.  It was in both of my magazines (SHAPE and Women's Health) this month and I am determined to pull this off!  My upper body was incredibly weak....and still isn't as strong as I want it to be, but it's getting better.  It's gonna take some time to do this, I know....but the first time that I can pull myself over that bar.....I'm gonna be so excited! How great will that feel? It always feels good to have a goal...and even better when you reach it.  So here goes nothin'!!!