Saturday, April 10, 2010


As I was driving to the gym this late Saturday morning, I thought to myself....."I feel fantastic!". Then, when I left the gym.....I felt even better. Why have I not been exercising my whole life?? Why do more people not do this?? Why do more people not eat better?? The payoff is so worth it! As I sit here, eating my Lean Cuisine chicken fettucine alfredo.......I know that no food (not even.....dare I say, chocolate) is better than how I've been feeling lately.

It is amazing how God designed the human body. They are miracle machines. If we take care of them and fuel them with the right foods, there is nothing they can't do. They are fully capable of sustaining years and years of vibrant life, fighting off infectious diseases, birthing children, making children (hehe), etc. It amazes me....most of us take better care of our cars than we do our bodies. We wouldn't put greasy, nasty Crisco in our gas tanks, but we're more than willing to clog our own arteries with it. Eeewwwwww!!

I have, first hand, experienced what a healthier body can do....and I'm just getting started. I used to get migraines.....constantly. And while they haven't gone away completely.....they are few and far between. I used to get so winded from climbing the stairs to my biology class that I had to take a moment before I walked into class to catch my breath, for fear of another student tring to give me CPR! Now....I fly up those things.....and walk straight into class. I used to have pain in my left knee constantly. I still do sometimes, but the elliptical has helped strengthen my knee and ease that pain. My mood is better, my body is leaner, my heart is stronger and my mind is clearer.

Now....for the final BIG plus to eating better and exercising. I apologize in advance to my mother, Aunt Debbie (not really....she'll get a kick out of this), Grandma and sibs (if you guys are reading this)....but it must be said. The “behind closed doors” part of being married is awesome when you feel better!! I'm a married woman.....there is no shame, nor is it a secret that married couples have sex (or should be). And when you're not so tired......and sick.....and feeling bleh......and hating your find time for activities you didn't normally feel up for before. Both my husband and I have been hitting the gym and eating better and it has SOOOOO paid off!!! So.....ladies and gentlemen.......if for no other reason.....hit the gym for that!
I can't wait to see what the future has in store for me. I am just getting started.....and the best is yet to come. It's so refreshing to get up everyday knowing that it's only going to get better from here. I find myself thinking about trips to celebrate my retirement......future goals as a grandmother.......and things I want to do for my 80th birthday. I plan on being around for a while.....and not just alive....but really LIVING!!

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