I'm a planner. Always have been. Always will be. Planning seems to calm me. It gives me the illusion of control. I plan my college courses, all the way through to my master's degree (and I'm not even done with my bachelor's yet). I plan for my daughter's college education, her wedding, her high school sporting activities....and she's only 7. I am planning a Vegas trip for July.....of next year. They can't make calendars far enough in advance for me. I will plan as far ahead as you'll let me.
I have come to find out....in my journey to become a healthier person, that when it comes to planning your fitness routine and your food choices, looking into the future can have the opposite effect. This doesn't calm me....it overwhelms me. Instead of feeling a sense of control over my health, I feel anxious. How can I possibly eat healthy and work out 4 days a week for the rest of my life?? This idea causes stress, stress leads to sleeplessness, sleeplessness into anxiety and then....eventually, giving up. However, I seem to have found a loop hole.
I have found that when I quit worrying about tomorrow and focus only on today, my anxiety goes away. Now, don't get me wrong, to eat healthy and stay physically active, there is some planning involved. You need to buy the right foods at the grocery store and make sure you pay your gym membership.....but that's where it should end. Don't plan out every meal from breakfast to dinner for the next month. Worry about breakfast, lunch and dinner for the day you're in. Thinking about never getting to have McDonald's french fries EVER again will do nothing but lead you into their drive-up window. Make better choices for today and leave tomorrow.....for tomorrow!! This concept has helped me so much. Anytime I catch myself planning (worrying, more so) about tomorrow and later in the week, I stop myself. I have realized that all that does is weigh me down....and I've already got enough weight (pun intended)....I don't need anymore!!
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