Wednesday, June 8, 2011

6 weeks: Clean eating.......

In an effort to jump start my weight loss, I have agreed to embark upon a 6 week, clean eating regimen with a good friend of mine. It's nothing special, no magic pill or anything, just clean eating.  No processed foods, no sugar, nothing ooey and gooey and delicious........only clean, unprocessed foods.  I's sounds fun, right?

The reality is, your body isn't made to digest the crap we put in it.  Your body isn't made to digest sausage in it's synthetic casing, or the acid in the cokes we buy 3 times a day (no judgement to coke drinkers......Coke is my all time favorite thing to drink).  But somehow, we force our bodies to do it anyway.  The idea behind this clean eating is not only to lose weight, but to cleanse my body in a way.  I'm going to try to make a note of how my body feels, not how my mind feels.  I know myself, and my mind is going to feel deprived and maybe even hungry (even though I'm not), but I'm going to pay attention to how my body is doing.  Am I tired?  How am I sleeping?  How are my workouts?  These are the things that I'm wanting to work on: my energy and my sleep.  Of course weight loss is a goal, but not the only one. 

I'm not going to lie and say that all of my meals are going to be 100% yummy or even desirable......but so far, today, it hasn't been bad.  Here is a pic of what I ate for lunch:

Now.....I cannot emphasize enough how much I dislike fish.  I truly do.  However, fish is unbelievably good for you, so I am constantly trying to find a recipe that I can learn to like.  On my plate above is tilapia, zucchini and brown rice.  The tilapia was cooked in a saute pan with a small amount of olive oil (not on the plan, but a clean food, so I added a bit) with lemon pepper seasoning.  The zucchini was sauteed as well, with a Mrs. Dash zesty spice of some kind.  The brown rice was cooked with chicken broth (99% fat free) instead of water (again, not on the meal plan, but makes the brown rice edible).  This lunch was AWESOME!  I'm sure it's never going to be something I crave, but it's something that I'll enjoy, making this meal a keeper!

Luckily, on this meal plan, I get one cheat meal a week.  PRAISE THE LORD!  Having one meal (not an entire day) will keep me going.  I used to have a cheat meal, once a week, and it was soft tacos at Rosa's on Taco Tuesday.  Knowing that I could have lunch at Rosa's on Tuesdays got me through an entire week of good, healthy eating and I'm going to do it again!  It's only for 6 weeks, and then afterwards, hopefully I will be in a good habit of eating fruit with every breakfast, veggies with every lunch and dinner and the knowledge that I don't have to eat processed cookies or cakes to satisfy my sweet tooth.  I had blackberries this morning for my mid-morning snack and they were great!  I had never had them before. 

I'm not saying that after this 6 weeks I'm never going to eat another cookie or piece of cake, but I know that I'll remember how good my body feels when I fuel it properly.  And when your body is performing the way God intended it to, there's no stopping us!   

I am celebrating my last 20-something birthday this month.  Everyone knows that when you turn 30, something happens in your body.  Weight loss is harder (I hear) and muscle is harder to build and the calcium in your bones can begin to degenerate.  I have one year: one year to get my body into great condition, so that maintaining it will be easier in my 30's.  This is not to say that if you are over 30, it's pointless to try to get healthy.  We all know that's not true.  But in my case, I want to give my body the best chance to thrive that I can, and getting in shape in my 20's (even late 20's) will be easier than in my 30's.

I'm excited to see what my body can do.  Wish me luck (and will power) and I'll keep ya posted :)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I realized that I haven't blogged in almost a year!  So, here we go again......

The reason that I started blogging in the first place was so that I could keep a not-so-personal journal about my weight loss journey and gym-going endeavors.  I can honestly say that it was very helpful.  It kept me accountable to the goals that I had set for myself and I got tons of support from friends and family (and that is priceless).  I miss that.

As most of you know, I just graduated college (yeah!) and am glad that stage of my life is over.  However, while I was going through that stage (actually, the last semester of that stage), I hit a plateau with my weight loss.  I have lost over 30 lbs (in limbo between 30-35 lbs) and then the weight loss just stopped.  As an avid reader of fitness literature, I knew this was going to happen, so I pushed through.  I kept going to the gym and kept counting my calories, but still.....nothing!  Between the gym going and calorie counting, school, homework, kids, being a wife and also my job.....I let life get the best of me and I stopped caring.  I stopped counting calories and stopped the gym going and in a state of rebellion, started eating whatever I wanted!

Now, to put things into perspective, I have only been in rebellion since late a little over 2 months......and I haven't gained the weight back (I guess my plateau didn't let me lose OR gain).  However, I can say that I have noticed two other major side effects that I do not care for: exhaustion and stress.  I am so tired....all the time.  I can tell a huge difference in my energy level when I'm not hitting the gym regularly.  It's better than coffee, better than a great nights's simply amazing how much better I feel when I am going to the gym on a regular basis.  The other reason to squeeze in a sweat session - stress!  Working out, whether it be sprinting, jogging, weight lifting or a yoga class, is a great stress reliever.  In the last semester of school, I needed that more than anything.....and instead of going to the gym to relieve the stress, I let the stress overcome me and I quit going.  Not smart........

Luckily, I have the luxury of being off for 12 weeks in the summer and I have rededicated myself to getting back to that gym and getting my energy back.  My new goal: 25 lbs. in 12 weeks.  That's a reasonable and healthy average of about 2 lbs. a week.  Hopefully, come August, I will find myself more than 20 lbs. lighter, with a new fitness routine, and a fabulous new teaching job!!!  Here's goes nothin'.............

Friday, July 2, 2010

My new workout goal: The pull-up

When I first started this new lifestyle change back in January, I was very hesitant to start lifting weights.  In my previous attempt to lose weight, I was at the gym 6 days a week, lifting weights and riding the bike.  It got me NOWHERE!!! However, I also didn't have my thyroid regulated with meds like I do now, but I blamed the weights.  When I would complain about not losing enough weight, people would say "muscle weighs more than must just be gaining more muscle".  While muscle does weigh more than fat, I was still upset and I knew that something was wrong.

After taking a hiatus from the gym, and going to my doctor and getting my thyroid regulated (which really was my main roadblock to weight loss), I realized that the other roadblock was the intensity of my cardio.  I was sitting on a stationary bike and my heart rate wasn't getting as high as it needed to be to really burn some calories.  So, we (my husband and I) started doing the elliptical and OMG....that sucker burns some calories, especially when you hit some heavy resistance.  But even after seeing results with the elliptical, I was still hesitant to try weight lifting again.  I didn't want to hit the same plateau that I had before and stop seeing good numbers on the scale. 

But, finally, after hearing about all the health benefits of weight lifting (lean muscle mass burns more calories at rest than fat, it'll make you stronger, etc) and after people telling me how much it benefits them, I decided to give it a try....again.  And guess what.....I am in LOVE with strength training! I don't know how I ever went to the gym and left without hitting the free weights these past few months.  It is so much fun and it feels amazing.  I don't remember it being this fun when I tried it before....maybe because my attitude is different.  And while the numbers on the scale have dwindled a little bit (about 1 lb a week loss instead of 2)...I am getting so much stronger.  My husband told me the other day at the gym (on the calf raise machine) that he can see definition in my legs now.  That's exactly why you to the hear that people can SEE a difference in how you look! 

My plan is to pump up the intensity of my cardio to give my body a boost and get back to a 2 lb per week weight loss....but I also plan on working on being able to do a pull-up.  It was in both of my magazines (SHAPE and Women's Health) this month and I am determined to pull this off!  My upper body was incredibly weak....and still isn't as strong as I want it to be, but it's getting better.  It's gonna take some time to do this, I know....but the first time that I can pull myself over that bar.....I'm gonna be so excited! How great will that feel? It always feels good to have a goal...and even better when you reach it.  So here goes nothin'!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Swimsuit Season

There are two words in the English language that can strike fear into the heart of the most confident, assertive and vivacious of women: swimsuit season!  For the most part, I am an extremely extroverted personality.  I am loud and opinionated.  I am confident in my ability to do almost put me in a swimsuit.  My confidence is stripped away and is replaced with fear and self-loathing.  For other people, without kids, this wouldn't pose a problem.  If you didn't want to be in a swimsuit, you wouldn't have to be.  However, I have a daughter and she insists on living at the swimming pool during the summertime. 

A few weeks ago, I went swimsuit shopping.  I drove home in tears, literally.  I could barely see the road because I was sobbing hysterically.  I think that it was more devastating than I had planned because I have been working so hard to lead a healthier lifestyle.  I eat right and I exercise regularly.  Even though I see my body everyday and know what it looks like.....I assumed (ridiculously) that I would look better in a swimsuit than I actually did.  I was terrified.  What was I going to do?  My daughter wants to go to the pool and I don't want to sit out and watch her play.....I want to play with her!

So....I dried my face and refocused my energy to where it needed to be.....continuing with what I am doing with my eating and my workouts.  Like I have said before, there is no magic pill and I simply have to keep working.  I will, no doubt, get to where I need/want to be.  It just takes time. 

Now I go to the pool with Caitlyn, still draped in fear, but with less self-loathing :)  I realized that most (not all....but most) of the women there have similar struggles.  Most of the women at my pool are members at my gym and I see them working for what they have and it gives me hope.  I can't wait for next swimsuit season.  I will be in much better shape and self-loathing will no longer be an issue.  But, I have to work for it.  I have to push through these feelings of inadequacy to get to the other side.  And while I'm working and waiting for that great body to reveal itself, I'll be damned if I make my little girl play in the pool by herself.  I may not be the best looking chic at the pool.....but I'm definitely the one having the most fun!     

Friday, May 28, 2010

It's all up here......

After I dropped my daughter off at school this morning, I came home to a nice and peaceful house.  I made some coffee and had some breakfast while watching a good movie.  After about an hour, I got dressed and ready for the gym.  As I stepped outside, I thought "This is going to be a great day!"  It 's beautiful outside and I am so blessed.  I got into the car and put on my iPod (yes, I listen to my iPod while I gets me revved up to go and work out).  I jammed out all the way to the town club.  I was in a great mood.....and I carried that mood into the gym with me.

It amazes me, each time I get to the gym, how important my attitude really is.  When I drive to the gym and I'm dreading it (it happens to the best, most determined of people), that 45 minutes of cardio seems like hours.  I seem to get drained quicker, I don't burn as many calories, and it's an all around drag.  But, when I go to the gym determined and ready to kick some ass.....that's exactly what I do.  The 45 minutes flies by and I burn more calories than I had intended to.  I think to myself...."Why can't every day be like this?"

The truth is, every day won't be like this.....and that's why it's so important to ger "right" before you go into the gym (or outside to run, walk, play sports, whatever).  There are so many external factors that can have an effect on our day, our mood, and our attitude.  We can't change the weather, or how people treat us....but we can affect the way we respond.  I must admit that it's a lot easier to go and work out when it's nice and shiny just puts you in a better mood.....but we still have to burn calories on those rainy, overcast days too.  It's just gonna take a little more "mental prep" than those sunny days :)

When I was at the gym this morning, I was amazed at how much stronger my body has become.  My range of motion has improved....I'm working muscles I didn't even know I had.....and every time I look down at my thighs....they're smaller!  These are the things I am going to have to focus on the next time I am dreading going to the gym.  These are the reasons that I become stronger.......and I am well on my way!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mixin' it up.....

I was getting ready to go to the gym the other day and realized that I was dreading it.  It had become boring to me.  I immediately began to worry.  I thought "If I start to hate going to the gym.....I'll stop going and then I'll be right back where I started.....yuck!"  I ran to my computer and started to look for some group classes that I could start going to, just to mix things up.  I found several I went to one....that very day.  I loved it!  It's a step & sculpt class.  It mixes cardio and strength training and it kills ya.....but in a good way :)

I had never been in this predicament before.  In previous attempts to get healthy, I would quit going to the gym, not out of boredom, but out of laziness.  I never worked out long enough to deal with all the problems that I had read about....."work out boredom".  I read articles every month in my Women's Health magazine and SHAPE magazine, all about how to spruce up your workouts to avoid becoming stagnant and bored.  I would always skip past those articles because it didn't pertain to me.  I couldn't see how you could get bored with the gym.  I see it now!

So, after my first time at my new step & sculpt class, I was hooked.  I go every Monday afternoon now.  It's an amazing way to burn fat and get toned.  I still do my elliptical to make sure that I'm reaching my calorie burn, but  not everytime I go to the gym.  I find myself getting excited about going to the gym again....and we all need to be excited about getting healthy....or we just won't do it....and stick with it. 

I was looking at the group schedule today, for my gym, and found some water aerobics classes that I wanna take.  I know that swimming is an awesome workout, for both cardio and toning, but I'm a little apprehensive about going.  A swimsuit?  Me??  I'm not comfortable with that.  I want to get a better body before I get into a swimsuit....but if I get into a pool, I can get that body faster.  What to do??  One day....hopefully soon.....I am gonna get in that pool, mix it up, and after a while, I'll finally have a body that I'm proud of....and I'll start looking forward to putting on my swimsuit!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

There is no magic pill....

Today my husband and I were at Hastings.  We rented a movie and then decided to kill some time and go and look for a book that my pastor has been referencing at church.  Lately, I have been really interested in health and fitness books, so I made sure to swing by that section as well.  I couldn't believe it.  I was, and still am blown away by how many "diet" books are polluting our bookshelves.  Who buys these things?  I know...I know....alot of people do.  Well...I'm here to tell ya....there is no "magic pill"!

I've been down that road....alot!  I've done the Atkins diet and read books about the South Beach diet and had friends who did the cabbage soup diet.  These diets give you quick results, but they quickly fade and then you blow up like the Goodyear Blimp.  Any diet, no matter who endorses it, no matter what celebrity swears by it, must involve physical activity and good, nutritious food choices.  If's CRAP!  Take the Atkins diet craze that hit a few years ago.  I tried there is no judgment here.  That diet had people, myself included, believing that eating cheeseburger patties, bacon, sausage, eggs, and cheese were good for you.  It convinced you to give up fruit!  What person in their right mind thinks that this diet could truly be effective in the long run?

Diets like these, and the people who support them, are hoping to prey on people who are exhausted with being overweight....people who are busy and think they don't have time to work out or plan a healthy eating schedule.  Diet gurus are hoping that you're just ignorant enough to buy into their lies.  Eating better and being physically active must become priorities.  I know that people are busy and our lives are hectic.  Finding time to go to the gym or cook healthy meals is a struggle, I know.  However, for the things that are important in our lives, we make time.  It's a matter of what is important to you.

Another reason these fad diets seem to be so popular is that it's audience is ignorant to what is best for them.  I don't say that in a condescending way, I'm still learning these things myself.  If you don't know what your body needs to stay healthy and what your body needs to be doing to stay active, then it's very easy to be swayed by diet books promising you quick results with minimal effort.  We all know better, but we buy into it anyway.  More often than not, if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

Getting healthy can also be a little scary.  You are so afraid that you're going to have to give up everything you once loved and live at the gym and life as you know it will cease to exist.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  When my husband and I were at Hastings today, looking at the health/fitness books, he said to me "I don't want you becoming a health nut!"  I'm not sure, but I assume he says that because he's afraid I'll turn our house into a farmer's market and  never cook another good-tasting meal for the rest of our lives.  People are afraid of what they don't know.  That's why it's so important to read up....find out what is good for you.  Talk to your doctor.  Read literature that comes from a credible source, not just any old book lying around.  Do your research.  Knowledge is power.

Last, but not least, stay active.  Even the best eating habits won't get you nearly as far if you don't get moving.  There are so many pluses to exercise, I don't have time to list them all.  And once you start, you'll become addicted and you'll need that exercise to feel good.  I know that it's hard to work out at the end of a long day at work, but we all need to do it.  Just like laundry, or showering, it must be done.  It's like that old saying "Anything worth having is worth fighting for!"  It won't be easy, but the good stuff never is.