Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I realized that I haven't blogged in almost a year!  So, here we go again......

The reason that I started blogging in the first place was so that I could keep a not-so-personal journal about my weight loss journey and gym-going endeavors.  I can honestly say that it was very helpful.  It kept me accountable to the goals that I had set for myself and I got tons of support from friends and family (and that is priceless).  I miss that.

As most of you know, I just graduated college (yeah!) and am glad that stage of my life is over.  However, while I was going through that stage (actually, the last semester of that stage), I hit a plateau with my weight loss.  I have lost over 30 lbs (in limbo between 30-35 lbs) and then the weight loss just stopped.  As an avid reader of fitness literature, I knew this was going to happen, so I pushed through.  I kept going to the gym and kept counting my calories, but still.....nothing!  Between the gym going and calorie counting, school, homework, kids, being a wife and also my job.....I let life get the best of me and I stopped caring.  I stopped counting calories and stopped the gym going and in a state of rebellion, started eating whatever I wanted!

Now, to put things into perspective, I have only been in rebellion since late March.....so a little over 2 months......and I haven't gained the weight back (I guess my plateau didn't let me lose OR gain).  However, I can say that I have noticed two other major side effects that I do not care for: exhaustion and stress.  I am so tired....all the time.  I can tell a huge difference in my energy level when I'm not hitting the gym regularly.  It's better than coffee, better than a great nights sleep......it's simply amazing how much better I feel when I am going to the gym on a regular basis.  The other reason to squeeze in a sweat session - stress!  Working out, whether it be sprinting, jogging, weight lifting or a yoga class, is a great stress reliever.  In the last semester of school, I needed that more than anything.....and instead of going to the gym to relieve the stress, I let the stress overcome me and I quit going.  Not smart........

Luckily, I have the luxury of being off for 12 weeks in the summer and I have rededicated myself to getting back to that gym and getting my energy back.  My new goal: 25 lbs. in 12 weeks.  That's a reasonable and healthy goal.....an average of about 2 lbs. a week.  Hopefully, come August, I will find myself more than 20 lbs. lighter, with a new fitness routine, and a fabulous new teaching job!!!  Here's goes nothin'.............

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