Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mixin' it up.....

I was getting ready to go to the gym the other day and realized that I was dreading it.  It had become boring to me.  I immediately began to worry.  I thought "If I start to hate going to the gym.....I'll stop going and then I'll be right back where I started.....yuck!"  I ran to my computer and started to look for some group classes that I could start going to, just to mix things up.  I found several I went to one....that very day.  I loved it!  It's a step & sculpt class.  It mixes cardio and strength training and it kills ya.....but in a good way :)

I had never been in this predicament before.  In previous attempts to get healthy, I would quit going to the gym, not out of boredom, but out of laziness.  I never worked out long enough to deal with all the problems that I had read about....."work out boredom".  I read articles every month in my Women's Health magazine and SHAPE magazine, all about how to spruce up your workouts to avoid becoming stagnant and bored.  I would always skip past those articles because it didn't pertain to me.  I couldn't see how you could get bored with the gym.  I see it now!

So, after my first time at my new step & sculpt class, I was hooked.  I go every Monday afternoon now.  It's an amazing way to burn fat and get toned.  I still do my elliptical to make sure that I'm reaching my calorie burn, but  not everytime I go to the gym.  I find myself getting excited about going to the gym again....and we all need to be excited about getting healthy....or we just won't do it....and stick with it. 

I was looking at the group schedule today, for my gym, and found some water aerobics classes that I wanna take.  I know that swimming is an awesome workout, for both cardio and toning, but I'm a little apprehensive about going.  A swimsuit?  Me??  I'm not comfortable with that.  I want to get a better body before I get into a swimsuit....but if I get into a pool, I can get that body faster.  What to do??  One day....hopefully soon.....I am gonna get in that pool, mix it up, and after a while, I'll finally have a body that I'm proud of....and I'll start looking forward to putting on my swimsuit!

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